Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mamavation Monday

Sorry, I started this yesterday and got sidetracked. My week was okay for exercise and eating, still room for improvement. I've joined a few challenges that I hope will lead me in the right direction. So here's my recap for the week.

Monday - Strength training
Tuesday - 3.23 mile tempo run
Wednesday - strength training
Thursday - 3 mile run
Friday - strength training
Saturday - 4 mile walk
Sunday - 4 mile walk

I did pretty well with not overeating on Thanksgiving and then we went camping this past weekend and it was so much fun. A lot of walking with the pup.... he loves trail walks and runs. How was your Thanksgiving? Did you overeat, or did you behave yourself ;) ?


  1. I overate but am hoping extra miles outside made up for it. I'm back on track with a new week of hbbc!!

    1. I'm sure you have already removed the extra calories :D
