Friday, October 12, 2012

Fabulous Friday

It's Friday, and it's absolutely beautiful here. Cool, but not cold, sunny and just down right gorgeous. I absolutely love fall!!! It's been a great week, and I have a girls day on Sunday going to the Southern Woman's Show. I can't wait - it's an annual tradition (we've been doing it for over 10 years), and we always have the greatest time.

I am one week closer to my awesome long weekend in the mountains. We're going with my BFF and her boys, it is going to be a blast. I cannot wait to get out of dodge for a few days and just relax!!!! This will be my view. :)

Lastly, I just became an affiliate for Tomuno yoga mats, which is great news for all my fans. If you are in the market for a yoga mat, these are great mats, and through me you can save $5 and get free shipping. Go to Tomuno and put "PAM" in the coupon code.


  1. Have a great time tomorrow! That sounds like it should be a fun day.

    1. Thanks, Suz. We did have a great time. I will be posting my first vlog on it, shortly :)
