Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Really back to reality

So I went back to work today - Ugh is really all I can say. I've decided that as soon as I can afford to, I am retiring. Which for me is really sad. I have always loved to work, now don't get me wrong, I really do like my job, but I'm at the point where I really don't give a crap anymore. I guess I'm just frustrated. While I know everyone has a lot of work to do, and I appreciate those that did help me out when I was gone, but I came back to a huge pile on my desk, and when I sorted through it, about 1/3 of it wasn't mine. I guess because I normally do the mail, no one felt "comfortable" sorting through it and seeing that most of it was addressed to other people, or obviously had nothing to do with my position. Really? It's not that difficult, but when it piles up it is time consuming. It took me over 1 1/2 hours to sort through it and deliver it to the correct people, when realistically I should have been able to come into work today and sorted through "my" mail, prioritized it and then began tackling it. And the thing is, I have complained about this for the last 3 vacations I have taken to no avail. It's very frustrating to me. They all say how much they missed me, well, duh, I'm the one who does all the work you need done, so of course you are going to miss me. I guess its job security, but sometimes its just overwhelming. OK, off my soapbox now, but it felt good to get it off my chest.

On the running side, I started my 1/2 marathon training yesterday, and so far I have been motivated to get it done. I know, I know, only 2 days in, but I am really hoping to stay motivated for this. I don't care if I PR on this race, I just want to feel better when I'm done. My last 1/2 marathon, I felt like I was dying and almost wanted to quit. I thank my friends for motivating me to the finish, I even had 2 of them run back to me after they had already finished and run the rest with me. This time, I hope to be more prepared. Most of you know, I just found out I have exercise induced asthma, and that was part of the reason I felt so horrible, but I also think I didn't prepare enough, and just wasn't fully ready for it. This time I am determined (I hope) to work hard and actually "do" this race :) Let's hope this optimism and dedication stays for the next 15 1/2 weeks - I'm counting on all of you to help keep me motivated. I tend to allow myself to get lazy very easy, always coming up with some kind of excuse on why I "can't" exercise today. This is the time that I need to kick myself in the butt and just do it. So, that's what I am going to do!!

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