Monday, August 12, 2013

Mamavation Monday

Happy Monday all!!! It's been a long weekend for me, but fun. My oldest had a car wash and then we celebrated my youngest's birthday with the family at Cheddars Restaurant. I'm happy to say I stayed pretty motivated with my workouts last week. This online bootcamp I am doing has been really fun. Here's my recap:

Monday - 3.63 mile interval run, 30 min walk
Tuesday - 30 mins strength training, 30 min walk
Wednesday - 3.14 mile run, 30 min walk, bowling
Thursday - 30 mins elliptical, bowling
Friday - 30 mins ab work, 30 min walk
Saturday - 60 mins of swimming
Sunday - Interval run and strength training

Next week is more of the bootcamp, and I don't find out what my exercise is until the night before. Makes it so it's definitely not boring. I have been working on my portion control, still need to do better on that, and I need to up my water intake. How about you? How was your week?


  1. That looks awesome... My goal is hitting the gym 4 days this week 2 classes a day and maybe swimming

  2. My week was great. I ran! I ran and TALKED at the same time. :) Your exercise routine/list looks awesome. I wish I could get to a pool!

  3. Glad you have been enjoying the bootcamp. That is a huge key to keeping motivated. My week was pretty good, some struggles, some walking with grace in those struggles.

    1. I'm glad your week went pretty well.... fight those struggles off, you got this!!!!

  4. Nice PR and keep up the good work
