Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2018 Recap and 2019 Goals

Now that 2018 is over, and I'm moving onto 2019 I wanted to again take time to reflect on my goals from last year -
  • Run at least 500 miles
  • Strive for eating healthy 70% of the time
  • Strength train 3x per week and run 3-4 times per week
  • Run my Mt Dora 1/2 Marathon between 2:30 - 2:40
  • PR on another half marathon
  • Lose 10-15 lbs
Well I crushed the first goal, I ended my year with 736 miles, and for most of the year I did strength train 3x and run 3-4x a week, but the rest not so much. I did eat healthier, but I won't say it was 70% of the time and I definitely did not lose any weight :( As for PR'ing and running Mt Dora quicker, my goals changed throughout the year and I started doing heart rate training with the Maffetone Method, so going into the Mt Dora 1/2 I didn't have the expectation of reaching that goal. Over the past year, I fell in love with trail running and doing trail races. The running community is already wonderful but trail runners are a different breed and they are amazing!! I ran a 6 hr trail run, and dnf'd on a 30k but I'm back at it getting ready for my next 30k. Heart rate training is going great and I plan on continuing it. 

So here are my 2019 goals - 

  • Complete a 30k
  • Crush Jack's 30k (my race I dnf'd at last year)
  • Become an ultramarathoner (over marathon distance)
  • Continue to strength train 3x a week and run 4-5 times per week
  • Eat healthy 70% of the time
  • Run 750 miles

So what were your accomplishments last year? Your goals for 2019?