Thursday, February 2, 2017

Update on Me!

It's been a while since I blogged and I'm really missing it. The problem was I let it become a chore. My blog became all about fitness and reviews, and while that stuff is wonderful and I still want my blog to encompass those things, I also need to allow myself to write for me. That was my whole intention when I began PAMdemonium a few years ago. So, it's time to get back to blogging for me :D

So that said, let me update you all on what's going on in my life. My oldest son is a freshman at University of Florida in their PACE online program, and my youngest son is a freshman in high school and is very active in soccer, cross country and track and field. Needless to say they both still keep me very busy. Hubby is doing great, and still very active at his job. I'm finishing up my Master's Degree in Public Safety Administration, and have three classes left until I am done :D I'm still very active with my running, but not so much with running races. I'm down to running just one race a year. I also decided I really needed to add more strength training to my workout routine, so I joined Planet Fitness. I now have a well rounded routine of strength training and running.  Another new part of my life is I am actively using essential oils for my physical and mental health. I picked Young Living based on their quality, value and the morals of the company.

So, that in a nutshell is just a brief synopsis of what is currently going on in my life. I plan on keeping up with my blogging again, and I hope you will enjoy reading what I have to say. So, what's going on in your life since we last talked?

1 comment:

  1. Pam, you could help me figure out how to buy Lavender oil that is therapeutic grade and how to take it. Anxiety has spiked in my life because of chronic pain from some stenosing that causes pain mimicking sciatica, and so I can't sit to work as much as I would like. I have read that lavender is good against anxiety but I can't find how to use it. Is it safe to put in juice? I read it doesn't have side effects like benzodiazepines. Congrats on hanging in there with grad school and nearing THAT finish line!
