Tuesday, March 6, 2018

2 months in

Now that I am 2 months into my goal, I decided I should take a step back and see how I am doing. Here is a reminder of the goals I set for myself in my post -

  • Run at least 500 miles
  • Strive for eating healthy 70% of the time
  • Strength train 3x per week and run 3-4 times per week
  • Run my Mt Dora 1/2 Marathon between 2:30 - 2:40
  • PR on another half marathon
  • Lose 10-15 lbs
I have definitely been more consistent with my running and my strength training, but still not to where I want to be. My running numbers are a little lower than I would like, but I do see some progress in my speed. I am doing much better with eating healthy, really close to 70% of the time, but I have not seen a loss of lbs on the scale :(

That said I am a work of progress not perfection, and I am definitely seeing some progress so I will continue that upswing. I want to add blog more to my list of goals for this year as well, because as much as I love to blog I have not been providing myself with the opportunity to do that.

So tell me, how are you progressing on your goals? Any you want to change or add?


  1. Excellent! I set out to be healthier from the start, but here we are in March, and I'm only just starting. Oh well. :) Proud of your determination! I know you will hit your goals.

    1. Starting is better than not starting... you've got this!!!!
