Monday, March 17, 2014

Mamavation Monday - Less Stress More Calm

Happy Monday. I had a great, but busy weekend. Saturday my oldest performed with his band at a concert band competition and got straight superiors, which means they can now perform at the state level, and Sunday both my boys competed in a bowling tournament. They did very well, can't wait to find out the official results. I didn't get in enough runs again last week, but I did run my longest run in quite a while. Here's my wrap up -

Monday - Mash Up Conditioning
Tuesday - 7.5 mile run
Wednesday - Mash Up Condidtioning
Thursday - Mash up Conditioning
Friday - Mash Up Conditioning
Saturday - One on one soccer game vs. my youngest

Here's my plan for this week -

Monday - Mash Up Conditioning
Tuesday - probably on a 2-3 mile run because they are doing picture day
Wednesday - Mash Up Conditioning
Thursday - speedwork
Friday - Mash up Conditioning
Sat/Sun - 2-3 mile run/rest

Tonight's show is about having less stress and being more calm. I can't wait for it because I am always feeling stressed, and I need to find ways to destress besides my running :) Since this is a common issue for moms, please come join us on the show  tonight.

How do you destress?


  1. I destress by playing Candy Crush. :) LOL. No seriously, I have to do something mindless. 7.5 miles is crazy -- I can't even think of doing that myself!

    1. I just slowly moved up my miles every week... it's not so bad :) I've been playing Criminal Case LOL

  2. Wow 7.5 miles is a fantastic run. Super impressed. Great job!
